Saturday, September 11, 2010


Gotta write something...if anything to get away from some of this homework. Last night was the BYX Barn Dance, the fourth and final one for me and my friends. It was so much fun, just makes one step back and think about the speed of life. Can't believe I'm going on four years of college; I can't believe I've been dating my sweet girlfriend for about 3 and a half years; I can't believe I'm 21 years old, and yet I still feel young...(I wonder if there's ever a time in life when one finally concludes "Wow, I'm old."?)

At this point, one normally says Carpe Diem. I agree somewhat, however must lean further and towards Pascal, agreeing why not jump to the bright side of the wager? This life goes by so fast, one must to some degree wonder what happens after this brief breath of time. Why not look into the truths of Christianity? What do you have to lose?

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